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Lysozyme (LYSOCID W) 2 oz

Lysozyme (LYSOCID W) 2 oz



Lysocid W is a naturally obtained enzyme from selected egg albumin, which has the capacity to breakdown lactic cellular walls. It helps degrade the cell walls of gram positive bacteria such as Oenococcus, Pediococcus and Lactobacillus. It is not effective against gram-negative bacteria like Acetobacter and has no effect on yeast.

Lysocid W is a preparation exclusively based on natural lysozime, obtained from egg albumen. Lysozime is a glycosidase able to hydrolyze the polysaccharides contained in the bacterial cellular wall and displays a particular affinity towards the gram-positive bacteria.

Many trials showed that Lysocid W is effective at high pH values, when the risk of bacterial attacks in the stage immediately preceding fermentation is higher. In this case Lysocid W enables to preserve from the first processing stages wine freshness and openness.


The utilization of Lysocid W can be effected in different operational situations, and not only on musts to prevent risky situations connected to the bacterial contamination.

In stuck fermentations, the immediate addition of Lysocid W prevents an increase in the volatile acidity caused by the action of bacteria towards sugars.


This agent blocks undesired malolactic fermentations and is very useful after the end of the malolactic fermentation to obtain a biological stabilization during the refining stage in wooden barrels.

After the addition of Lysocid W, it is always suggested to verify the proteic stability and to intervene if necessary with a treatment based on bentonite.

Utilization: Dissolve Lysocid W in a 1:10 ration in water, juice or wine and add uniformly to musts or wines. Do not treat with bentonite or other fining agents for 24 hours after addition to avoid inactivation of the enzyme.

Dosage: Grapes: 10-25g/hL

Slow/Stuck Ferment: 25-40g/hL

Shelf life and storage: 2 years stored in cold temperature in a non humid environment.